Twitter Stat Tracker


A simple website that lets you track the usage of hashtags on Twitter


MID - LATE 2022

Twitter Stat Tracker

This website was made to practice and experiment with accessing the Twitter API through a Flask backend using Python. It has an estimated count of Tweets that have been sent that day, as well as the count of that week, and that year. These counts are completely estimated based on stats from so they will never be truly accurate but are a good measure of what the count could be.

However, the main function of the site that makes use of the Python and Tweepy backend is the search function, which lets a user search for either a hashtag or a username. For hashtags, it will display how many tweets have been sent with that tag that day and stats for the last 7 days that get displayed in a graph. For a username, it displays how many tweets that user has made that day and the last 7 days.

Unfortunately thanks to the recent changes to Twitter’s API the search function no longer works (thanks Elon). Luckily the estimated tweet counts still work since they didn’t rely on the API to function. You can still check out the site to see these counts, I would like to update the site at some point to bring its functionality back but I’m not sure if the API would allow me to do so for free so it’s uncertain if it will ever work again.